September 16, 2010

A Session in the Conservation Lab

Book in hand: a nearly repaired "For Whom the Bell Tolls". The spine building process was much more exciting, but would have been tricky to capture, as it was all scalpels and glue.

See? Brand new spine and almost ready for some reading action. I think the edge of the original binding is still a little ragged (it kept unraveling with each cut), but it's not bad for my first attempt.

What's this? Hell's bells!

And some lout stuck it with Scotch tape!

Filmoplast's the awkwardly-named way to go.

All better! (Though with stains from the old tape) Moral of the story: Kids, don't Scotch tape your library books, or the Preservationists will take you away to the land of dust and silverfish... 

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