September 9, 2010

Dear American Filmmakers

Please stop remaking excellent movies:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Some Yank decided the film ought to look more like this -

(Like Twilight but with a naked girl! You kids like the Twilights, amirite???)

Inspired adaptation from American screen writers:

"I'll help you."
"'re a girl."

Tomas Alfredson, director of the Swedish film, had this to say:
Remakes should be made of movies that aren’t very good, that gives you the chance to fix whatever has gone wrong...I’m very proud of my movie and think it’s great, but the Americans might be of an other opinion. The saddest thing for me would be to see that beautiful story made into something mainstream.

"Let Me In" producer Donna Gigliotti responded:
We're incredibly admiring of the original...but to be honest with you, that picture grossed $2 million. It's not like we're remaking 'Lawrence of Arabia.'

Stay classy Americans, stay classy.

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